Keeping It Real
And on some days, these are the thoughts that go through my head. How many 6-minute activities can one person do in a day? Why did I feel...

Encouragement for the Road Ahead
Motherhood is such a funny thing. When you're in the trenches, you want so badly to be out of them. When you're not in them, you long to...

A Good Year
Happy almost new year! I hope 2017 was a good one for you. It was a good one for us. I am sitting here at the computer, cozy in my house,...

The Berry Hierarchy
There's a hierarchy of fruit preferences in our household that I decoded awhile ago, and was reminded of it yesterday when we hosted...

READING: Currently and up next. I plan to do an updated reading list soon, as I’ve recently added a ton to my library queue. My winter...

Hello from the other side of a busy and great week. We got back from Cape Cod on Saturday, school started Monday, and life has been...

Hello! I solo-mommed it for a few days this week for the first time since having Amelia and am happy to report it wasn’t nearly as...

Case of the Mondays
Are you watching any good shows right now? We haven’t had a show that we’ve both looked forward to watching in awhile (which I don’t...

Come Autumn
Fall is upon us! I couldn't be happier. We started out the summer strong, but the days upon unstructured days coupled with the hottest,...

TGIF! What are you up to this weekend? We took the girls swimming at the lake today, and finally visited this legendary seafood...