10 Things I Learned in 2018
2018 was a good year for us, and in the spirit of reflection, I thought I'd share some of the things I learned this year. (Here's last...

Merry Christmas
I am signing off until after Christmas--today is Nick's last day in the office for a few days and I plan on soaking in my family while...

Four Random Things
1. Christmas break is here! I am hoping to nurse my family back to health after 4+ straight weeks of sickness circulating. See above...

Getting in the Christmas Spirit: My Tips
This is our tenth Christmas being married (!), and it's probably the first Christmas I haven't spent the majority of the season feeling...

A Dinner Hack: Feed them Fruit
I've written before about the fruit hierarchy that exists in our house (most of which still holds true--just add in pears which are...

Gift Guide: Stocking Stuffers for Little Ones
I am pretty systematic about stockings. It's just easier that way. Each year, our kids get a couple little gifty items (low cost), along...

Gratitude for the Trenches
(I want to eat him alive) We are a little bit of a mess over here. Cold upon cold is robbing us of the little sleep that was happening,...

Winter Break Activities for Preschoolers
One more week of school for us and then the girls will be home on winter recess for three weeks. I am looking forward to slower, cozy...

Gift Guide: Toddlers + Preschoolers
For the second installment in my gift guide: older toddlers and preschoolers. (If you missed it, here is the first installment for babies...

Gift Guide: Babies + Young Toddlers
I was doing my annual November toy purge to make way for all the new Christmas stuff and as I went I jotted down some of our favorite and...