Thinking, Reading, Playing
I thought I'd borrow from one of my favorite bloggers and do a quick post on what I've been thinking/reading/playing.

How many months can one go without sleeping before dying? Does anyone hire a night nurse for a 7 month old? Maybe I'm on my hill complaining about sleep deprivation a little too much lately (frequently mentioning to Nick that I'm going to go out back and dig my grave etc etc), but I seem to have hit that point where the adrenaline from having a new baby runs dry and the combination of teething, a couple of back-to-back colds (or maybe just one long cold? impossible to tell anymore), and maybe those darn developmental leaps combine to make sleep not a thing.
I pathetically tried to let him cry it out one night but between him getting his top teeth and his sniffly nose, that just felt too tortuous, so it's back to feeding my big fat baby 3 times a night. I just pray that I get a reprieve before he is mobile because then I'm really toast.
It's a good thing he is so beautiful and delicious and otherwise perfect.
I started this book toward the end of summer after it caught my eye at the library one day, and I mentioned it to the director of the girls' school. She loved it so much that she asked me to co-lead a book discussion on it in a couple of weeks, so I've been noisily highlighting favorite passages in bed at night. If you're local and free the morning of October 22, I'd love if you came. More info here and here.
My parents got Eloise this marble run for her birthday and she and Nick have been having so much fun with it. There are so many different configurations you can make with it. Mimi will help a little bit too and she loves chasing the marbles around. Highly recommend!