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First Day of School 2018

It's the first day of school over here! We are the last of the Mohicans, I think, with a September 10 start date.

Motherhood is a tricky thing. You can look forward to school starting and a little peace and quiet and when your house is actually quiet--even though you know your napping baby will be awake soon--you make your grocery list and maybe you cry a little because you don't need to buy as much food since your girls eat lunch at school.

I know we will adjust but this is a drag.

Eloise is doing the Young K/Kindergarten program this year which goes an hour longer than the preschool, so we are keeping Mimi there for the extra hour as well so we have one pickup.

I guess I should be doing the happy dance but instead I'm missing my chatty, happy, loud, busy little people and counting down the hours until I can go get them.

We are so grateful for their wonderful school and I know they are in the best hands. After mine, of course! Does anyone else frequently consider homeschooling their children, or have I come unhinged?

Time to go smother my baby and create things for myself to do!


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