Amelia is Three!
Our Amelia is THREE!
This little girl was the sweetest and easiest baby. She brought so much peace to our family. She made me LOVE newborns.

She is the best snuggler. She is a girl on the go. She is FAST and FEARLESS. If I had to guess, she will be my stitches kid. Always getting bumps and bruises and thinking AFTER doing.

She has always been a lamb of a child. Until recently, she really didn't cause me a day of trouble in her life! (Age three is historically theeeeee worst in our household, so if you think of it, please pray for me. We haven't been off to the best start lately.)
She loves ballerinas and babies and is usually found in ballet slippers and a "yee-o-tard" with a babydoll stuffed in the front. She is a ham and loves to perform. She has her curtsy down pat.

She makes us laugh.

She is always happy, happy, happy. She has sparkle. Everyone who meets her falls in love with her. She used to be quite shy but has gotten SO friendly and waves and says hi to everyone she sees. Recently she tried to keep up with a jogger because she just didn't want to stop chatting with him.

She could survive on noodles, and is also the biggest fan of anything vinegary or tart--marinated mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, olives, kombucha, grapefruit, lemons.
She still calls Eloise "Bear Bear" and I hope she does forever. Their personalities really do complement each other so well.

She was SO excited to become a big sister and is so sweet to George.

We love our Amelia Jeanne. Happiest birthday sweet girl!

"I am your parent; you are my child. I am your quiet place; you are my wild.
I am your calm face; you are my giggle. I am your wait; you are my wiggle.
I am your carriage ride; you are my king. I am your push; you are my swing.
I am your audience; you are my clown. I am your London Bridge; you are my falling down.
I am your carrot sticks; you are my licorice. I am your dandelion; you are my first wish.
I am your water wings; you are my deep. I am your open arms; you are my running leap.
I am your home; you are my new path. I am your dry towel; you are my wet bath.
I am your dinner; you are my chocolate cake. I am your bedtime; you are my wide awake.
I am your finish line; you are my race. I am your praying hands; you are my saying grace.
I am your favorite book; you are my new lines. I am your night-light; you are my starshine.
I am your lullaby; you are my peekaboo. I am your goodnight kiss; you are my I love you.”
--Maryann Cusimano