A Natural Antibiotic + Mouth Care
I had a mystery toothache last week which escalated to the point of not being able to chew my dinner.
Rather than the hassle of making a dentist appointment (when will scheduling and attending appointments NOT be an impossible task?) and possibly being placed on some kind of broad spectrum antibiotic, I went through my inventory of home remedies and concocted a little mouth rinse with warm water, sea salt, and 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract. I also rubbed a couple drops of lavender essential oil along the outside of my jaw where it was painful.

After one use of this my pain significantly decreased, and after a couple uses I was on the mend.
Worth having this tool in your toolkit if you don't already! I think collodial silver would also probably work.
And while we're on the topic of oral health, I've made a couple changes in our medicine cabinet lately because this was one area where we hadn't yet cleaned it up.
Toothpaste: switched to Spry
Mouthwash: switched to this mouth rinse (oil pulling--Google the benefits!)
After just a couple days of making these changes my teeth appear whiter and my gums healthier (I deal with inflamed gums while pregnant and/or nursing).
The only downfall is after brushing and doing mouthwash, I still sometimes forget whether I've brushed my teeth because neither of these products gives that "minty fresh" feeling, so if you're looking for that maybe you would need to chew gum of some sort.
Oh, and I can't get my husband on board with any of these remedies yet. With time!