Quick Tips: Set a Timer

We learned this trick from a very smart friend. Do you have more than one child and, despite owning two of most things, still run into whose turn it is with a particular object from time to time?
Set a timer.
Rather than it become up to the parent to referee, or to the children, who, although I do try and let them work things out, sometimes can't manage it, it becomes up to the timer, an inanimate object who can't be argued or bargained or negotiated with.
Here's how we do it.
Parent, to child with the coveted object: "Let your sibling know how many minutes until she can have the ball."
Child A: "Three minutes."
Parent sets a timer for three minutes, timer goes off, parent announces that three minutes is up and it's Child B's turn.
Half the time they forget the timer has even been set and the issue has resolved itself before the timer goes off anyway.
Happy Friday, and happy birthday to our favorite Joe Joe!