Systems for the Stuff
I love a good organizational system, and have gotten a chance to implement some new ones around here lately to help with the endless STUFF.
School memory boxes

I bought split-lid hanging file boxes, one for each child, and filled them with one file folder for each grade. I fancied them up with the cutest monogram decals from The Monogram Corner
and feel so happy that I now have a place to put all the school treasures from here on out!

Gallery Frames
I've been wanting to more permanently display some of the girls' paintings for awhile now, and finally bit the bullet and bought a few of these art cabinet frames, which hold up to 50 pieces of art and you can easily swap out what's inside.

(ignore the ancient IKEA couch--this is our basement play room)
Art portfolios
Our girls' school is big on painting, and a lot of the artwork they send home is oversized. I bought each child a portfolio to contain the larger treasures, and I like the mesh as opposed to the typical black portfolio because it's nice and lightweight, and I feel like it's easier to find and access the pieces inside.

Art supplies
And finally (for now), I corralled all the daily art supplies into a caddy, and Eloise can be seen carrying this around the house at most given moments throughout the day. Inside are the usual crayons and colored pencils, as well as a set of giant colored pencils and beeswax crayons, both of which are more highly pigmented and the girls seem to enjoy using more than their traditional Crayola counterparts.

That feels good to have done! What REALLY needs overhauling is our clothing and shoe storage systems but I'm not brave enough to tackle that this summer--that's on deck for the fall.
Do you have any favorite organizational systems? I'd love to hear!